Episcopal Church Women of Province VIII Welcome You

Province VIII of the Episcopal Church is known as the Province of the Pacific

Dioceses in Province VIII:

Hawaii, Alaska, Navajoland, Taiwan, Micronesia, Spokane, Olympia, Oregon, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Northern California, El Camino Real, California, San Joaquin, Los Angeles, San Diego

Episcopal Church Women Province VIII gathered in Salt Lake City

Episcopal Church Women representing the dioceses of Hawaii, Navajoland, Western Oregon, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, Los Angeles, and San Diego gathered at the Episcopal Conference Center of Utah in Salt Lake City for their 2023 Annual Meeting.
Our final morning was spent worshipping together at St. Mark’s Cathedral.

Empowering Women of Faith

 It is Springtime here in the San Bernardino Mountain Range, andthe bulb flowers like tulips, daffodils and hyacinths are in fullbloom. I talk to my flowers and plants and when the flowers openup, I tell them, “It's so wonderful to see you again!”It suddenly occurred...

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Opening Our Hearts

Sitting down to write, I notice my cup of Honey Chai Turmeric Vitality tea bag has a tag. It reads, “Uncage your Heart, free your Heart, let it be wild.”     WOW! Lately, everywhere I turn, I notice verses referring to the HEART. Have you noticed this, too? The heart...

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