United Thank Offering

The United Thanks Offering (UTO) invites every Episcopalian to NOTICE the good things that happen each day, GIVE thanks to God for your blessings, MAKE an offering for each blessing and, through annual UTO grants, your blessing become BLESSINGS for others throughout the USA and the wider world. During the virtual Triennial Ingathering Ceremony at the 80th General Convention, UTO collected $4.15 million (3-yr total).

The amount raised from Province VIII lies in the middle of the range of all the provinces. However, UTO Ingathering amounts have been lower during the covid years than in the past, and our goal for the near future is raise it back up and get more parishes participating in annual (Nov) or bi-annual (Nov & May) UTO Ingatherings. As briefly described below, UTO has created some excellent
materials to help us do just that. See the UTO website, https://unitedthankoffering.com for resources and more details, and follow their Facebook page at https:///facebook.com/UnitedThankOffering for up-to-date news and highlights from the grants.

This October, for the third year in a row, UTO is sponsoring the EpisGoPal Race, which encourages parishes to form teams to run/walk for pledges. The money raised can be donated to UTO, Episcopal Migration Ministries or both. The money donated to UTO will go to the annual Ingathering, where every penny goes to fund UTO grants. The money donated to Episcopal Migration Ministries will go to their Neighbor to Neighbor program, which was funded by a previous UTO grant.

ECW Province VIII UTO Annual Report 2023

 A Visit to a Migrant Shelter Across the Border in Mexico

 A Visit to a Migrant Shelter Across the Border in Mexico

The Revs. Patricia O’Reilly and Julie Beals helping to distribute donated clothing to shelter residents.  (Credit: Tammy Smecker-Hane)People often hear politicians discussing the immigration crisis at the border, but few actually know what that really involves. In...

UTO at Diocesan Convention

UTO at Diocesan Convention

A wonderful way to spread the word about United Thank Offering is by attending the diocesan convention. You can host a UTO booth in the convention marketplace and lead a convention Ingathering, too, with permission from your bishop. The UTO office will send you a box...