In the Spirit of Aloha, Walking in the Way of Love annual meeting and retreat
Aloha beloved ohana,
Your Episcopal Church Women Province VIII board are meeting regularly to plan and dream about how we can offer up models that build our relationships in the Spirit of Aloha. With the ongoing health concerns and the challenges of travel, how do we strengthen our relationships, conduct business, and provide positive resources to refill your ‘cup’? We do this by working together and seeking the Spirit in all we do.
In this new normal, we offer an opportunity to listen to the stories of our ohana in Hawaii, to learn about the culture of our family in the Islands, some of their history, which is our history. All of this is done in the Spirit of Aloha. As we explore virtual retreats, business meetings, provide resources and worship, we ask you to join us and provide insight, to share your story, while meeting new friends and reconnecting with dear ones.
If you have ever visited Hawaii, you will connect with the beauty, music and Aloha Spirit. If this is your first visit, you are in for a special treat. Our hosts, (ECW Diocese of Hawaii) put together ways to create the Aloha Spirit in your backyard, lanai, or living room. The best yet, is we are offering this at no cost to you.
As ohana, our family of sisters and brothers, we extend a humble, heartfelt invitation to join the In the Spirit of Aloha, Walking in the Way of Love annual meeting and retreat.
Episcopal Church Women of Province VIII virtual gathering Friday evening, August 7th and Saturday August 8th. Please come and meet the more of the family.
God’s Peace and New Life…
Evita M. Krislock
Episcopal Church Women
Province VIII President
In the Spirit of Aloha: Walking in the Way of Love
All Times Shown are Pacific Time Zone
Friday Evening
5 PM: Pau Hana (Happy Hour) 90 minutes
Open time to gather, check in, socialize, meetup with old friends and make new ones. Our “Aloha Resources” will include delicious recipes for Hawaiian tropical drinks and “pu pu’s” along with snack suggestions. Dress in appropriate Island Style
Saturday Morning
9 -10 AM Hawaiian Episcopal Church History – Louise Aloy
10 -10:45 AM Business Meeting Welcome, Orientation and Reports including
Affiliated Organizations (UTO, DOK, CPC, GFS)
10:45 – 11 AM Hularobics – Louise
11 AM – 12 noon Bylaws and Elections – Linda Garner & Christine Budzowski
12 – 12:30 PM Lunch Break with Hawaiian mood music
12:30 – 1:00 PM Forgiveness Workshop I
Ho’oponopono with Mary Janda+
1:00 – 1:15 PM Small Group Breakouts
1:15 – 1:30 PM Reconvene with Mary Janda+
1:30 – 1:45 PM Hularobics
1:45 – 2:30 PM Workshop II
Rebuilding ECW – how to build a Diocesan ECW Structure
Evita & Martha
2:40 PM Aloha Hawaiian Worship
There is no charge to register for this Retreat, however if you wish you may donate $10 to support the work of Province VIII ECW
All Episcopal Church Women in Province VIII are welcome and invited to attend our Virtual Annual Meeting.
On Friday evening, August 7th, join our Pau Hana (Happy Hour) to mix and mingle in the Spirit of Aloha. Island dress optional. We’ll provide the recipes for authentic Hawaiian cocktails and appetizers (pu pu) and other Hawaiian goodies on this website soon.
On Saturday, August 8th, tune in at 9 am to learn about the history of the Episcopal Church in Hawaii, including the story of King Kamehameha and Queen Emma, honored on their own Feast Day on November 28th in the Book of Common Prayer. The Diocese of Hawaii has made a great video we will be sharing.
We’ll have a business meeting including short presentations from our affiliated organizations including UTO, DOK, CPC and GFS. We will elect new officers for the 2021-2024 Triennium, learn to Hula with “Hularobics”, practice Hawaiian sayings, attend a Forgiveness Workshop led by former National ECW Chaplain Rev. Mary Janda (Diocese of Utah), learn about building up ECW at the Diocesan level from Province VIII President Evita Krislock and V.P. Martha Estes, and end the day with an Aloha Worship Service.
Cost: $0