Dear Women of Province VIII,
Happy Easter to you all! I had the honor of celebrating this wonderful day + Palm Sunday, and Holy Week at St. Jude’s in Ocean View, Hawai’i. I will be here until the Day of Pentecost!
As we listen to the Book of Acts and see how the people of The Way experienced their new take on religion, I think it is a great time to assess how we are doing. I love the Gospel of John ( 20:19-31) that we heard on the 2nd Sunday of Easter. Hearing how the disciples were hiding in a locked house, trembling with fear the evening of Easter Day, gives us a reality check, doesn’t it? Are we that much different from them? Of course, we have centuries beyond what they experienced, but we are still in the recovery phase of the Pandemic. So many of our faith communities are still in shock and trying to recover. Some people have not come back yet to worship in person, and some children have lost out on over three years of not experiencing Church on Sundays. What is our response to this? What is our responsibility?
If the disciples, after having lived with Jesus for over three years and heard his actual voice, saw into his eyes and walked all those roads with him, were struggling, I think we need to allow the Grace of God to strengthen us. We are Faith Communities that stumble, fall, and rise when necessary. We help others which, in turn, helps us. That is also the beauty of the women of the church. We have great models from the 1st century who continue to inspire us as we move through our own lives in the church and beyond. The strength that we women have has always been a factor in keeping the Sanctuary Lights burning!
Let us take a moment and reflect on our life in Christ. Are we still locked up in a darkened house, or are we out there greeting, feeding, clothing, and loving the people who come into our midst?
May we all find that moment, that ministry that allows us to follow the Way of Christ.
Mary S. Janda+
Chaplain for the Province VIII ECW Board

Mary S. Janda+
Chaplain for the Province VIII ECW Board