Episcopal Church Women Triennial Meeting 2022 Cancelled
May 28, 2022
Dear Sisters in Christ,
It was with disappointment that we received news this week regarding the cancellation of the Triennial Meeting 2022. After the postponement last year, we were looking forward to the gathering with our sisters in Baltimore. However, this came with a renewed appreciation for the prayerful, difficult decision our Episcopal Church and National Episcopal Church Women’s Board used coming to this decision. The leadership in our church is thoughtful while considering the health and well-being of all our members and our larger communities.
Province VIII Episcopal Church Women will hold an annual meeting in the fall of this year in accordance with our by-laws. Historically, various dioceses host the annual meeting, with the board hosting the meeting during the Triennial with the installation of new officers. Watch for updates regarding the meeting. The annual meeting is another way to build our relationships, although maybe not as much fun as in-person gatherings.
Educating ourselves about the ‘wider church’ reinforces our sense of identity, strengthening our ministries and possibilities. One opportunity to do this is to attend the June 10th Synod (Province VIII) meeting. The Synod provides a network of support, resources, and communication across most provincial ministries. This can serve as information about the church and levels of leadership that work together to facilitate ministries in the work of the church. Though you are invited, you will not be able to vote for resolutions or officers at this time. Scroll to the bottom of this link for more information regarding the Synod.
To wrap up, we will miss being together in Baltimore. We recognize the need to build relationships, tell and listen to our stories, worship together, make new friends and learn new ways of ministry, and will allow the becoming of our network and ministries. We give thanks and appreciation for the thoughtful work of the task force, the leadership of the Episcopal Church, the Episcopal Church Women, and you, with your willingness to be present to learn and grow.
God’s Peace and New Life…
Evita M Krislock
Province VIII ECW President
Current updates on the Triennial Meeting can be found on the website of the National Board of Episcopal Church Women
This PDF document contains useful tips for anyone planning to attend the Triennial Meeting